Friday 22 August 2014

Oh Friday insanity

In an attempt to redeem myself from a very bumpy beginning into a fitness routine..and what you already know...I managed to do a bit of insanity (fitness video) this morning!

I bought a Chromecast- which I love by the way-and I am able to cast any fitness video site etc right onto my TV!
I am not managing my time very well- I've done a bit of socializing this week...yes and that includes wine oh judging!
I am taking this seriously but even though wine doesn't solve any health problems...but it certainly helps you relax. I blame work *lights up a cig*...but wait...I don't even smoke!
*disregard the above*
This morning I made a fruit smoothie for breakfast post mini cardio workout. I'll be honest...nothing feels better than knowing you exercised!

 I has been a bumpy beginning, nevertheless a beginning.

Tuesday 19 August 2014


So after two weeks of not going to the gym ( i know :-( how horrible is that!

 <excuse> To my defense I did work out on Sundays  </excuse>

I finally made it to the gym- and I felt amazing totally pumped up and thought to myself---why did I ever stop coming during these two weeks?

Well, I will tell you why, besides being lazy and previously having had two weeks consecutively going without any rest days...something I don't really recommend at all- I had a little plateau. Rest days are important, especially when you are lifting or not sleeping well.

I was having sleeping issues and well... just a hectic two weeks. I did however not mess up "that much" on the nutrition. I have not weighed myself yet but judging on how my gym clothes fitted-I believe I have not gained weight, but I will find out soon when I step on the dreadful scale.

Today I brought my gym clothes- thinking of going after work to the gym- but I will call it a day and go tomorrow morning. 

I feel like I should go and exercise because I am completely sore but I did not sleep well and had to wake up early-- I am exhausted! Just a stretch on my pink matt tonight maybe? I am hoping that exercise helps me improve my sleep- it usually does.

The soreness however does feel good. Like I did something--like the workout worked.

I can do this simple and plain

Monday 18 August 2014

Good Morning

So this week I am starting work a little bit later in the morning - 11am with a later finish. I am taking this week to revamp on my goals and make sure I "evangelize" myself into "fitmode" again. I've take out all my magazines and books that I have bought throughout this year and have not quite finished reading. To review what I already know and have not been doing right? I guess repetition is the mother of learning!

I work in advertising so I try to cut through the noise of sponsored ads and all those "other bits" we know are solely with the purpose of making us want to buy something but hey I am a victim of my own trade!

Breakfast- well I know its supposed to be the biggest best meal of the day, but given that it is so early I felt like having something light- I am not a heavy breakfast lover. I am usually not even hungry this is the answer! But ok- on a streak to be better, I will cut down on coffee. So only when needed in the office....everything in moderation (clears throat).

This is what I made this morning with a really handy blender- quite useful and easy.

Ingredients: I keep it simple

  1. 1 Green Apple
  2. 1 Carrot
  3. a few pieces of Pineapple
I am complete beginner so lets see how this goes- its not Fitness its a lifestyle! 

I'm excited :-)

Sunday 17 August 2014

Hello Fitnessima!

Well this is my very first post...the beginning of an exciting fitness journey.
My motivation, experiences or lack thereof (not) fitness frustrations, my challenges, glory, achievements, thoughts, shopping, routines, nutrition and tips tricks...
My workouts and anything regarding how and what I will achieve: a Healthy, Happy, Beautiful and Fitness filled lifestyle...Fitnessima!